Virtual Science Club

Hi everyone and welcome to Mr Biggs' fortnightly science club.

In addition to our in school science club, which takes place every Tuesday after school, this year, every two weeks, there will be a new science investigation for you to complete, at home, using resources that can be mostly found in and around the home.

You can then share your investigations with us via our school twitter page or emailing in your videos and pictures to our school email address (links to both can be found below).

All of the information for each fortnightly activity can be found below in the files section.

Half Term -  Autumn 1

Week commencing Monday 4th September - Force full comb investigation (magnetism focus)

Week commencing Monday 18th September - Soap Sculptures (properties of materials focus)

Week commencing Monday 2nd October - Spinning Eggs (forces focus)

Week commencing Monday 16th October - Sew an Ice cube (properties of materials focus)

Half Term - Autumn 2

Week commencing Monday 6th November - Lava Lamp (states of matter focus)

Week commencing Monday 20th November - Magic Balloon (forces focus)

Week commencing Monday 4th December - Musical Coat Hangar (sound focus)

Week commencing Monday 18th December - Festive Star (properties of materials focus)

Half Term - Spring 1

Week commencing Monday 8th January - Magic Toothpicks (materials focus)

Week commencing Monday 22nd January - Wobbly Stick (forces focus)

Week commencing Monday 5th February - Foil boat (states of matter)

Half Term - Spring 2

Week commencing Monday 19th February - TV strobe light (light focus)

Week commencing Monday 4th March - Collapsing bottle (states of matter focus)

Week commencing Monday 18th March - Convection snake (forces focus)

Half Term - Summer 1

Week commencing Monday 8th April - Bouncing balls (forces focus)

Week commencing Monday 22nd April - Reversing glass (light focus)

Week commencing Monday 6th May - Juice Carton Sprinkler (forces focus)

Week commencing Monday 20th May - Balloon Rocket (forces focus)

Half Term - Summer 2 

Week commencing Monday 10th June - Melting Race (states of matter focus)

Week commencing Monday 24th June - Simple Siphon (forces focus)

Week commencing Monday 8th July - Impossible Straws (forces focus)


Important note: These experiments have not been specifically safety tested for home use but we believe them to be safe if the instructions are followed. Adult supervision or direction is recommended as appropriate. All experiments are carried out at your own risk.

St Laurence's Catholic Primary School office email - [email protected] 

St Laurence's School Twitter account - 

Files to Download