Year Two - Class 2L 2024 - 2025

Mrs Barr

Welcome to Year 2L

Our Class Teacher is Mrs Barr and our teaching assisstant is Mrs Teare


Important Information for Year 2:

Entrance and Exit Points

Our class will enter the school building from Wellfield  Avenue. The gate will open at 8.40 am and close at 8.55am. If your child arrives after this time they will need to enter through the main office.

Children will exit from their classroom door by the front entrance car park at 3.15pm.


Reading and Homework

This year most children will continue to read books from our phonic scheme Read Write Inc. These books are linked directly to the books children are reading in school. When children have completed Read, Write Inc. they will bring home reading books at an appropriate level to read at home.

Book bags should be returned to school every Thursday.

Books will be changed during Friday's Read, Write Inc. session and book bags will be sent home on Friday afternoon.

Children will also bring home a piece of Maths and / or English homework and spellings to learn.

Homework should be completed and returned with bookbags the following Thursday.



PE is on a Tuesday this year. Children should come to school in their PE kits ready for PE. If PE kits are needed on any other days we will let you know.

Children will have an additional PE session on a Friday.

Children should wear the school PE kit:

*Bottle green shorts

*Black leggings or jogging bottoms for winter months (OPTIONAL). Please have green shorts underneath or in a bag. 

*White crew neck t shirt - with school badge

*Black slip-on pumps or trainers 


Seesaw and School Spider

In order to keep up to date with all our news please ensure your email address is with the school office and you have signed up to our class Seesaw page and the School Spider App.  



It is really important that your child attends school everyday on time. Our class attendance target is 96%. Please ensure that your child is in school each day and on time to start their learning. 



The phonics screening test will take place in June for children who did reach the required mark in Year 1. Please make sure your child attends school during this time.



To find out about our learning in Year 2 please see our yearly overview on the curriculum page. 


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