Year Four - Class 4L 2024 - 2025

Miss Birch

Welcome to 4L

Our staff are:

Miss Birch (Class teacher)

Miss Pinnington (Teaching Assistant)


Our class expectations:

Children need to be in school on time every day, arriving between 8:40am – 8:55am for their learning to start promptly. There is an activity set each morning from 8:40am and it is important that your child is in on time to aid their learning.



Our attendance target for this academic year is 96%. We would love to meet this target, if not exceed it. Therefore, it is important that your child is in every day.  Rewards are given out each week for the class with the highest attendance and best punctuality – let’s try and win this as many times as we can!



Reading books will be changed when a book has been read and the diary has been signed by an adult. Please can book bags come in on Thursday, ready to be sent out on Friday.

We ask that you read regularly with your child, even if your child is already a confident reader, it is great practice and helps to promote a love of reading. Reading little and often is key.

Homework is set on a Friday and is expected in on the following Thursday.



On our PE days please come into school in your PE kit. Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays.



By the end of Year 4, all children are expected to know their times tables facts to 12. We ask for your support in ensuring the children learn these as they are vital to the teachings of the maths curriculum.

You can do this by:

  • Asking your child multiplication facts
  • Using Times Table Rockstars (username and password is provided by school)
  • Top Marks or Hit The Button (just type into Google, it is free and safe)


At the end of Year 4, the children will participate in a multiplication test which gives them 6 seconds to answer random multiplication facts on an electronic tablet. Therefore, it is important that they practice in school, but also at home.



We ask that every child comes in with a water bottle which is taken home and refilled each day.


We ask that children (if they wish) bring in a healthy snack each day for break time.


Lastly, please join our class SeeSaw page using a QR code. We post key information and share letters and announcements on there.



To find out about our learning in Year 4 please see our yearly overview on the curriculum page. 


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