Year 6S 2023 - 2024

Mr Biggs

Welcome to our class page

Our class teacher is Mr Biggs.

There is support within class from Mrs Burns and Mrs Lawless.

Across Year 6 we will also work with: Mr Grant, Miss Green and Mrs Hill.


Things to remember in Year 6:


Spellings for the week will go out on a Monday and will be tested on Friday.


Thursday: This is our PE day. New for this year, as mentioned on newsletters, on our P.E day children are to come into school in their P.E. kit. They will wear their kit for the duration of the day.  


Friday: Homework and reading to be completed and handed in.

Homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Friday. This gives children the opportunity to complete homework over a week long period. Homework will be set on SATS companion and will be made up of two pieces of English and two pieces of maths homework. SATs companion was used for homework in Year 5, so children should be familiar with how it works. Any homework not completed by Friday, will be complted in class during break/lunch time on that day. 

Bookbags will be sent home with books changed for the week, they are due back in on Friday. Reading should take place three times a week (little and often) and reading records signed and dated.

User names and logins will be updated and sent out at the start of the year. Later in the year, after Christmas, grammar, reading and maths work books will be sent home to complete as homework in the run up to SATs.  

Weekly times table test and spelling test will take place on a Friday. 


Attendance: Our target for this year is 96.5%.


Punctuality: Every morning from 8:40am - 8.55am we have maths morning challenges. It is incredibly important that your child is in promptly and on time to allow them the opportunity to complete our morning challenge and deepen their understanding of maths concepts.


Communication: Please join up to our class Seesaw page, where we post key information and share letters and announcements from the school. Through the Seesaw app, we will also be sharing your child's learning as the year progresses.


Curriculum: To find out about our learning in Year 6 please see our yearly overview on the curriculum page.


Dates for your diary:


Coffee afternoon: Monday 18th September 2023

Play in a day: Thursday 21st September 2023

Scoot Fit: Monday 9th October 2023

Swimming: Monday 6th November - Thursday 16th November 2023

Parents evening: TBC

Year group liturgy: Thursday 18th 09:30 January 2024

SATs meeting for parents and carers: TBC

Mock SATs Week - Monday 6th May - Thursday 9th May 2024

SATs Week: Monday 13th May - Thursday 16th May 2024



Files to Download

Year 6S: News items

Year 6S: Gallery items

Our School Allotment, by Miss Carroll

Beat the Goalie Day, by Miss Carroll

Colour Run 2023, by Miss Carroll

Year 6S: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display