Year 1L 2023 - 2024

Mr Gibson

Welcome to Class 1L!

Mr Gibson is the class teacher for 1L and we have our Teaching Assistant who is Mrs O'Keefe. 



We have PE on a Friday morning. Children are expected to come to school in their PE kit. 

*Bottle green shorts

*Black leggings or jogging bottoms for winter months (OPTIONAL). Please have green shorts underneath or in a bag. 

*White crew neck t shirt - with school badge

*Black slip-on pumps or trainers 


Book Bags

 We encourage reading every night with the children at home, even for 5-10 minutes a time.

***Book bags will be given out on Fridays and need to be returned the following Thursday.***

If your child finishes the reading books before the due in date, we stress that you go over the book again for your child to completely master all the different words in it. 

A maths and reading homework will be inlcuded in your child's book bag too. This will be related to work we are completing that week.



It is so important that we have all our children attending school, we strive for a full house everyday in Class 1L! Our school target is 96.5%.



The phonics screening test takes place during the summer term, it is vital all children do not miss any learning related to this. We do phonics on a daily basis. 



Please refer to the curriculum pages for our yearly overview of learning. 


Seesaw and School Spider

In order to keep up to date with all our news please ensure your email address is with the school office and you have signed up to our class Seesaw page and the School Spider App.  


Year 1L: Gallery items

Our School Allotment, by Miss Carroll

Beat the Goalie Day, by Miss Carroll

Colour Run 2023, by Miss Carroll

Year 1L: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display