October Half term

Date: 28th Oct 2018 @ 11:38am

Well that was a very busy half term - it went so quick! Thank you to everyone who attended our Year Group Coffee Mornings - it was nice to see so many of you supporting your child on their new journey through school. It was also great to see the support for raising money for school from purchases at the Scholastic Book Fair.  Any money raised will help stock up our new library.

Next half term will be very busy as we have lots of things to get ready for in the build up to Christmas.  I hope you will join us in our celebrations with the children.  Some events lined up are Halloween discos, Christmas Bingo and our Chirstmas performances to name but a few. 

Hope you've all had a lovely half term with your families.  I look forward to welcoming you all back tomorrow morning at 8.40am.  Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. xx